Dr. Igor Popov

Product Management / Tech / Big Data / Analytics

Currently Product Lead at StreetBees.
Previously at Shell, Moo, DueDil, Microsoft, University of Southampton.

Curriculum Vitae

“Where there is no vision, the people perish”

Proverbs 29:18

About me

I work on products that leverage Deep tech/AI/Big Data to solve customer problems. While I enjoy and respect the many aspects of Product Management and my professional life is one of continues learning, nothing brings me more joy than deeply understanding customers and bringing solutions using new and exciting technologies.

I'm a person with an entrepreneurial drive, a background in human-computer interaction, user-experience, data analytics, and software development, and a deep appreciation of business and commercial issues. I have worked in Product for over eight years for both startups and more established companies as well as having the opportunity to start my own ventures.

I currently work at Streetbees, as a Lead Product manager where I'm leading the Insights Tribe. I'm also the founder of DataReportive, a data visualization/analytics SaaS product.

I have previously worked at Shell, Moo, ClickMechanic, DueDil, and Microsoft.

In a lifetime before that, I worked in academia, where I did a PhD in Computer Science at the University of Southampton during which I worked on Open Data projects together with Sir Tim Berners-Lee (the inventor of the Web), Sir Nigel Shadbolt and Dame Wendy Hall (my co-supervisor together with dr m.c. schraefel).

Work experience